Saturday, June 30, 2007


The library wants to start an eZine. It will be a free subscription newsletter, distributed once or twice a month, that will inform folk about what is going on at the library -- not just programs and events, but anecdotes, staff picks of favorite books, movies, or music in the collection, and information about how to use some of our services, like ebooks and downloadable videos. We want to reach out to the online community, but do not want to spam everyone who has supplied their email address as part of their library record.

The problem is that I don't know the process of creating an eZine. I gather I need some kind of subscription program -- okay, I've found that. I gather lines should be no longer than 65 characters -- okay, we can do that. But what are the mechanics beyond that? Anyone willing to help me out here?


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Genealogy Season at NAPL

At this time of year we begin to get travelers from all over the country stopping in to use our resources to research their family histories. They are delighted when they find we have vital records from the beginning of Adams up through the earliest part of the 20th century for both Adams and North Adams, as well as city directories, annual reports, the North Adams Transcript from 1844 to the present, the Hoosac Valley News for its full run, and numerous indexes and other genealogical materials.

We're just setting up a computer in the Local History area dedicated to local history and family research, which will provide access to databases from the New England Historical and Genealogical Society (New England Ancestry), the Mormons / Latter Day Saints (FamilySearch), Ellis Island, Garden City and, beginning July 1, Ancestry.

If you are from the Northern Berkshires of Massachusetts, or have roots in this area, we would love to add a copy of your research to our collection, so that others may build on your work. Just bring it up to the Reference / Special Collections Department on the second floor of the library.

Last January we offered a series of classes on how to do your family research at various repositories in the Northern and Central Berkshires. We have an excellent relationship with other repositories in the county. Staff also will help individuals pursue their research. If you're interested, we'll be glad to offer more learning opportunities for seeking your ancestors. It's the second fastest growing hobby in the country!
