Monday, April 14, 2008

A week of vacation!

Vacation is just over the horizon! What are you planning to do?

REACH is offering two great programs in the library's Children's Department during Vacation Week.

On Tuesday, April 22, "Northern Berkshire Grows" - plant some seed to nurture and watch, and they'll be planted in the library's garden when the weather gets warm enough. At the same time you can learn about Community gardening!

Then on Wednesday, April 23, "Healthy Kids on the Mooove! presents "Cowabunga Calcium. Can you guess what this will be?

Both programs will run from 11 a.m. to noon. They are free and open to everyone!

Meanwhile, I'm heading out of town for a relaxing week with friends. Let's all enjoy great vacations!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Robert Frost program last night was lots of fun -- wish more of you had been there! Which reminds me, the local Poetry Slam is coming up on April 22 at 6 p.m. here at the library in the third floor meeting room. Whether you are a poet or an appreciator, do join us -- it's sure to be a fun time. And the winner of our slam goes on to compete in the Regional Slam!
