Saturday, March 20, 2010

Help! NOW!! Vote being held APRIL 1st!!

The state budget currently under consideration imposes dramatic cuts on libraries at all levels. It is scheduled to be voted on April 1. It is very possible that our regional system, which performs numerous essential services supporting your library, will be dismantled. The Bookmobile is already discontinued, after decades of service to smaller libraries. Interlibrary loan (borrowing from other libraries throughout the state) may be next. Many research databases which are offered free to library cardholders will have to be cut. A collaborative system of training and mutual support will be destroyed. And all this at a time when library use throughout the state has increased: In North Adams use has gone up 16% in the last two years alone!

Please write, call, email, fax and/or all of the above to our State Representative Dan Bosley protesting these dramatic cuts. Contact or (413) 663-7486.
Other people to contact include:
* House Committee Ways and Means Chair
* Ways & Means Vice Chairs mailto:Rep.BarbaraL and
* Gov. Deval Patrick (888) 870-7770 or (617)725-4005 ~ Fax: (61& 727-9725

Postcards and letters may be sent to any of the above at State House, Boston, MA 02133.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Gardens Ahoy!

With the snow melting and the sun shining bright, are you beginning to dream of gardening? The North Adams Public Library has dozens of books on the subject, from how to improve the soil, to varieties of fruits, vegetables and flowers, to composting and mulching, to harvesting and putting up for the winter. Come check out a few!

And for those of you who are dreaming of getting out on the wonderful Berkshire rivers and lakes (once they thaw), we also have books on sailing, canoeing, kayaking, and power boats.

Dreaming of camping? We have that too, whether you want to camp in the Berkshires, along the Appalachain trail, or elsewhere.

Is building a back yard swing set, shed or chicken coop in your future. We've got those, too.

So whatever your Spring dreams, we have something to help make them a reality. See you here!