Monday, December 17, 2007

Knitters, Unite!

After the first of the year, our weekly knitting circle will switch to Thursday evenings. There is no January 3 meeting, so the new schedule will begin on the 10th at 6:00 p.m. in the library's front parlor.

Knitters of every level, from total beginners to lifelong yarnaholics, are welcome. Join the circle when you can, and don't feel bad if you cannot make it every week.

There are several experienced knitters in the circle, so if you are a beginner just bring your yarn, needles, and a simple pattern if you have one (we have several) and come at 6:00 on Thursday evenings, beginning January 10, 2008. And if you can't make it at 6, come when you can. It's over about 7:45.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

North Adams Public Library's blog is back!

Yup. We've decided to give it another try.

So ... have you signed up for our library electronic newsletter yet? Library 411. You can do so right from the library's webpage: It has been coming out monthly, although now and then we may send out a special edition.

Please let us know what kinds of materials and programs you would like to see at the library. This winter we will have a series of workshops on, one of the major genealogy research sites. If there are other trainings you would like us to offer, just reply here or drop us a line at naplibrary at verizon dot net.

See you 'round the net!
